Monday, February 24, 2014

How to Easily Maintain Granite Countertops in Your Eden Prairie Home

So you just invested in granite countertops, now what? They look great, but you may not be quite sure how to take care of them. Don’t worry! For those living in Eden Prairie, granite countertops are easy to maintain. That’s one of the reasons why you chose them, right? In this blog, we’re going to cover the basics of keeping your granite countertops clean and well maintained.

Granite Countertop Cleaning
You should wipe down your countertops after every use. This helps prevent stains, as well as keep your granite countertops sanitary. No intense scrubbing will be needed for this type of routine cleaning. Just a damp cloth and a little bit of soap will do the trick. Take the damp cloth and gently wipe up your countertops, focusing on any trouble areas.

Cleaning Stains
If you do happen to come across a stain on your Eden Prairie countertops, cleanup is fairly simple. First, you’ll need to gather a few supplies to properly clean your granite countertops in Eden Prairie. Most of the supplies are common household items that you may already have on hand. The supplies include:
·         Small bucket
·         Dishwashing liquid
·         Sponge, or soft cloth
·         Microfiber cloth
·         Natural stone cleaner

Once you get all these together, you’ll be ready to get started on removing that stain from your Eden Prairie Countertops. Fill your bucket with warm water, and add your dishwashing liquid. Mix up the water and dishwashing liquid until suds form. Once your water is nice and sudsy, apply it to the countertop at the trouble area with your sponge. Make sure the entire stain is covered. Then, rinse out your sponge and mop up all the suds. Repeat this process several times. You should notice the stain stating to lighten up. Once the stain is completely removed, apply some natural stone cleaner to add some extra shine.

If you’re ready to have granite countertops installed in your Eden Prairie home, or have a questions about ones that were recently installed, contact us today by calling 612-822-3135 or Contact us Online.