Friday, November 30, 2018

Why You Should Call the Professionals for Granite Installation

Granite kitchen countertops continue to grow in popularity and offer a variety of wonderful benefits homeowners and business owners love. Granite comes from mother nature so each slab is unique. And, it offers a wide array of different shade variations. Granite countertops are also incredibly durable and long lasting. It’s no wonder they continue to grow in popularity all over the county. However with this ever-growing popularity, there has also been an uptick in instances of people trying install granite by themselves with disastrous consequences. That is why, as experts in granite kitchen countertops for Burnsville, we would like to dedicate time to discuss the dangers of doing so and why it is important to have them professionally installed.

 First of all, if you try to install granite kitchen countertops yourself or with friends, excessive damage can occur to the beautiful slab of granite you’ve selected. Even though granite is a strong and durable surface, it can easily be damaged in the transportation process if the right precautions aren’t taken. And more importantly, not only can damage occur on the granite kitchen countertops themselves, but granite is quite heavy and can easily injure an inexperienced installer.

Granite kitchen countertop installation is also incredibly time consuming. After all, There is a lot of work that takes place in the fabrication and installation of your granite kitchen countertops. Measuring, cutting, sanding, polishing, and sealing are just some of the steps that take place before your countertops are installed in your home. And, installation can be incredible amount of work for a DIY handyman to handle. However, when you hire the professionals at Minneapolis Granite, our team of installers are trained thoroughly and have the proper knowledge and tools to get your countertops installed beautifully and in a timely manner.

When you hire professionals, you can also receive assistance with the selection of your granite kitchen countertops. After all, there is a wide variety of styles to choose from and professionals like those at Minneapolis Granite can help you find the right ones to complement your kitchen’s unique style.

So, when you decide on granite, leave the installation to the professionals at Minneapolis Granite. Give us a call to learn more and to get on our schedule. We will come to your home for a consultation and to speak to you more about your remodeling project and the type of granite counters you are looking for. For granite kitchen countertops professionally installed in your Burnsville area home, call thee experts at 612-822-3135 or contact us online.